Publisher’s Perspective

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Publisher’s Perspective

Thu, 04/06/2023 - 08:03
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Give thanks to a flower

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With spring here it’s hard to miss all the flowers growing in the fields and on the sides of the road.

It’s that particular time of the year where everything is in bloom, a fresh spring of renewal and energy in the air, along with seasonal allergies.

It’s times like these that make me stop and ponder the importance to, not just stop and smell the flowers, but to thank them. But the reason might not be so obvious.

You may think that it is because they are beautiful.

It took millions of years for the flowers on earth to develop into the beautiful carnations of variety and beauty of color they are today.

Specifically, they were made and developed by the creatures of the plant to attract attention with smell, sight and taste.

You may think it’s because that flowers remind me of love and life itself. A true flower being a thing of rare beauty in nature, small, fleeting, short-lived and precious to see.

No, it is neither of these things, though they would be good reasons in themselves.

It’s because we have flowers that we owe fruit, the bees and perhaps love itself.

That’s right, it’s because I like food – the fruits and vegetables that feed and drive the ecosystem of plants and animals.

The plant development of flowers allowed the attraction of animals to help pollinate the plants, no longer dependent on the wind to carry pollen through the air, but also the ability to reach a symbiotic relationship with other creatures from another animal kingdom.

Yes, it’s for selfish reasons because I like the food that flowers provide.

So if you get a chance, stop and take a moment to thank a flower.