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Dear Editor,

Thu, 04/06/2023 - 09:40
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Mount Vernon ISD bond propositions


Once again, the Mount Vernon ISD Board of Trustees have brought forward another school bond. The Board has not made any changes to lower the present long term tax burden on the community. No effort was made to contain costs. Instead they have added an additional item, tennis courts.

In May, residents will be asked to vote on the new Proposed Mount Vernon ISD Bond, Proposition A and Proposition B. It is very important that residents are aware of the overall expense that will be incurred if these bond propositions are passed.

The new bond is $11.6 million dollars more than last year’s bond and will incur a property tax increase.

MVISD trustees have no regard for the financial situation of residents to be resubmitting a bond proposition that was already rejected by the voters, especially, in these uncertain economic times. This bond proposition is $11.6 millions dollars more than the previous one. Costs for basic necessities continue to increase at an annual rate of approximately 6% and are already a burden on residents. Businesses will also be affected as they too will see a tax increase and higher inventory costs in addition to undetermined interest rates. All this will be passed on to the customers of our county.

The initial cost for the 2023 bond is $63,600.00.

Proposition A’s cost is $47,400.00 and Proposition B’s cost is $16,200.00. However, with the estimated interest of $38,642,625 and $7,349,625 for Propositions A and B, the bond will total $109,529,250.

The interest is an estimate due to the ongoing rising interest rates. Construction costs are also constantly increasing due to the rising inflation rate of approximately 6% a year.

The 2022 Bond Proposition total was $52,300,000.00 plus interest. The 2023 Bond Proposition total is $63,600,000.00 plus interest. This is an additional $11,000,000.00 plus interest of requested increased costs.

The bond proposition states that the tax burden for Proposition A is $93.90 on an assessed property value of $100,000 and $32.10 for Proposition B.

This is misleading as most homes are assessed above $100,000. The tax rate is $93.90 per $100.00 and 32.10 per $100,000. So there will be a property tax increase for all residents under the age of 65. There may also be a tax increase on the elderly if their current rate is below their frozen rate.

The website www.publicschoolreview. com lists Mount Vernon ISD High School math proficiency at 40-44% for 2023. A 5% drop from the last listing. Also, high school students’ reading/language proficiency has remained unchanged from the last listing of 50-54%. The Board of Trustees should be more concerned with academic improvement for our students. Sports and the latest sports facilities are nice, however, but are not necessary to help teach students leadership skills, the benefit of hard work, team work, and how to be graceful winners and losers. However, the primary purpose of education is to provide students with the necessary math, reading and writing skills to develop their God-given talents for a better life.

Therefore, the school board trustees should amend this bond request to a more reasonable amount that addresses the issues of academics and the financial conditions of residents. Until then, voters should VOTE NO to this bond issue again.

John T. Wrinkle, Mount Vernon