
Kenneth Phillips: A remarkable man

When Kenneth Phillips was in his mid 40s he lost all of his fingers and toes due to frostbite. This was not in the arctic or some other frigid place. It was in San Angelo, Texas. He faced years of hospitalization and depression then one day decided he was tired of inactivity and feeling sad. He applied for several jobs but when they saw his hands they didn’t hire him (even though a sign in the window read hiring now). He finally got a job at Dollar General and later worked as a cashier at McDonalds for six years. Last year he started a company doing mowing and edging. He named his company ALL THUMBS LAWN CARE. He told me how he got into this situation.
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Publisher’s prospective

This Memorial Day, I had a harder time enjoying the ceremony and celebrations of those who have fallen in defense of freedom and our country. You see this year during the sound of Reveille being played and the often repeated words, “Remember the Fallen”, I found myself not only recalling those who never made it back, but to those who returned only to fall at home.
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Texas House impeaches Paxton

The Texas House voted overwhelmingly to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton Saturday, only the third time in the state’s history that has occurred. The Austin American- Statesman and numerous news outlets reported the chamber voted 121-23 to remove Paxton, 60, from office while he awaits a trial in the Senate during a special session yet to be called.

Borderline – A Story of Courage

Jayson Woodward was postmaster in Terlingua at a time when people didn’t bother locking their doors because everybody knew everybody in the small community. She lived next door to the post office. One afternoon when she returned home from a shopping trip an intruder was in her house. He captured her, took her outside, tied her hands and blindfolded her and held her captive for fourteen hours. She was tortured and criminally assaulted.