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Dear editor, This county is not taking advantage of what seems to be the only asset we have. What is that asset? That asset is land.

Letters to the Editor

Sundays were the best when the first one awake grabbed the rubber banded newspaper from the front porch. I always got the Headline news (yes, I was an intellectual at a very young age) dad got the sports, my brother and sister got the funnies and mom got the crossword puzzle.

The Amazing Opportunity

Imagine you received an invitation to meet your nation’s leader so you could make a personal request. Providing no laws were broken, the nation’s leader would then do everything possible to make sure your request was granted. What an opportunity! What would you ask? Your request could have a great impact on so many lives.
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House Democrats’ tax plan would help renters

Texas House Democrats unveiled a $20.9 billion plan for property tax relief that drops tax rates, increases the homestead exemption, gives annual rebates to renters, and includes pay raises for teachers, the Austin American- Statesman reported. The newest proposal comes as the Legislature continues wrangling over the issue in the second special session this year.