Commissioners add $50k to autopsy budget

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Commissioners add $50k to autopsy budget

Thu, 04/06/2023 - 08:03
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Growing population, rising costs attributed to amendment


Wood County commissioners agreed Tuesday to amend the countywide justice of the peace professional budget, adding an additional $50,000 from the contingency fund to account for increased fees regarding autopsies.

Wood County Judge Kevin White said a growing county and rising costs had nearly depleted the $100,000 budget for autopsies for the fiscal year, and JP Pct. 1 Tony Gilbreath agreed the number of autopsies ordered was not likely to decrease.

Gilbreath said in 2019 there were 432 deaths in Wood County. That number increased to 551 deaths during the height of COVID-19 but dropped off to 520 deaths in 2022. The county had already recorded over 125 deaths since the beginning of 2023.

“It’s pretty simple; we’ve got to pay it,” Gilbreath said.

Gilbreath said while the fees to have autopsies performed had increased, so did transportation costs. While the county leaves it up to the family as to which funeral home would be used, when no preference is made, the county typically transports the body by way of the nearest funeral home. Autopsies are ordered according to state law as well as at the discretion of the judge.

Gilbreath said Wood County saw a lot of unattended deaths where autopsies should be ordered. Autopsies were always ordered in the event of a suspicious death or suicide, and Gilbreath said he would try speaking to the family of the deceased for a brief medical history before ordering an autopsy for some unattended deaths.

Not the first time a judge had been concerned about overextending the budget because of rising numbers, Gilbreath based the dollar amount requested in the amendment on last year’s spending of about $144,000.

'We’re just now hitting April. I’m hoping $50,000 will cover it.'

– Tony Gilbreath JP Pct. 1

“We’re just now hitting April. I’m hoping $50,000 will cover it,” Gilbreath said.

In other news, Winnsboro resident Michelle Mellon asked commissioners in open court to consider the use of handmarked, paper ballots for the next election. Mellon provided commissioners with documentation of her research while saying she believed paper ballots would not only provide a more accurate vote count, but could also save the county money on election equipment and software.

Also at court Tuesday, commissioners approved a beneficiary agreement, allowing Quitman Hospital to receive $300,000 in American Rescue Plan Act funds on behalf of Wood County.

The court previously voted to provide $300,000 in ARPA funds to Quitman Hospital. White said he spent the past week working with GrantWorks, which specializes in assisting municipal governments apply for grants, and everything was ready to move forward.

On the recommendation of Commissioner Pct. 4 Russell Acker, commissioners approved a guaranteed maximum price amendment with JPJ Construction for HVAC replacement throughout the courthouse.

“The good thing is there is no amendment. This is the original price stated,” Acker said.

Acker said about 90% of the material for the work had been received and the remaining was en route.

Acker said the first and second floors would be completed first, and when the units were turned on, work would begin on the third floor. The fourth floor would have minor work done to complete the project.

Commissioners also approved two road permits in Pct. 3, allowing timber transport on county roads 3880, 3873, 3875 and 3953, and approved the Upper Sabine Valley Solid Waste Management District board of directors as of March 2023.

Todd Witt accepted a nomination to serve on the board, and the district said it was looking for another member to serve, possibly from the Yantis or Quitman area.

Wood County commissioners also:

  •  Approved personnel actions.


  •  Approved claims including payroll, health and dental insurance, accounts payable and voided checks.


  •  Approved the county Equal Employment Opportunity Plan based on numbers provided by the 2020 U.S. Census.


  •  Approved interlocal agreements for May 6 local elections with four school districts as well as the city of Winnsboro.


  • Acknowledged the FY 2022 annual financial report from the juvenile probation department.