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Bees like to play?

We’ve all watched native, bumble and honey bees go about their daily task of gathering nectar and pollen before heading back to the hive to do wonderful things with the gatherings. Though we seldom pay attention, wasps, yellowjackets and hornets all do the same. It’s almost as if they are programmed to be robots in accomplishing their tasks. BUT, as we are slowly learning, all of them like to play.
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Texas Parks & Wildlife

These are the top five: 1. Choke Canyon – South Central 2. Toledo Bend – East 3. Falcon Lake – South 4. Sam Rayburn – Southeast 5. O.H. Ivie – West I.D. your catch using the Outdoor Annual’s Bass Comparison and Identification. Bass must be at least 14” long, and daily bag is 5 for any combination.
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Horse owners urged to participate in national survey

To understand the true size and impact of the state’s horse industry, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service horse specialists stress the importance of current data, and they say it’s time for Texas horse owners and enthusiasts to stand up and be counted in the American Horse Council’s survey. The AHC National Economic Impact Study survey counts horses in Texas pastures and paddocks, and AgriLife Extension specialists aim to harvest more extensive “breakout data” that measures horse industry impacts, involvement and economic contributions.
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Try growing peanuts in containers

Peanut plants are somewhat unique in that they flower like a traditional vegetable plant but instead of producing their “fruit” above ground, they send what are called pegs down into the dirt to produce their nuts below ground. Traditionally, peanuts are grown only in areas with long summers, such as the deep south. The time from seed-toharvest which is normally at least 20-150 days, makes them hard to grow in may climates before first frost.
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Winter and spring chill hours lead to mixed results for Texas peach producers

Winter and early spring weather related to chill hours has led to mixed results for Texas peach producers, according to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service experts. Parts of the state are reporting good fruit sets despite drought, while other areas are reporting late freeze damage and inadequate chill hours that have cut into potential peach yields.
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Bee balm for your yard

It has been said that everyone should grow bee balm in their yard. A member of the mint family, bee balm is also known as horsemint and Oswego tea. It’s a native-to-North America wildflower that is a hardy perennial. It can be any of several colors or a mixture of colors. It can be1224” tall or up to 48” tall. Then, it can grow almost anywhere from pristine conditions to shady and rocky wooded areas. All this and more is nice, but it hardly makes the plant so noteworthy; So, why should we all have bee balm in our yards?
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Let’s get kids into gardening

When I was in 4th grade, Mother decided I should have a garden. She picked a spot shaded in mornings, and said, “Have at it!” Well, a fourth grader trying to get bare ground with no gloves or tools didn’t do a very good job. I did manage to plant some carrots so thick they looked like weeds. So, I pulled the weeds, which ended my early gardening efforts! Needless to say, it was MANY years later before I felt a true calling to be a gardener.