
General manager terminated without cause, gets severance

The Franklin County Water District released its agreed separation agreement with 25year general manager David Weidman stating the district was “terminating employment without cause.” Under the terms of the seemingly amicable agreement, Weidman will receive the cash value of accrued but unused vacation up to the maximum of 88 hours $4,741.44, a lump sum severance payment of a year’s salary ($112,079.92) and benefits ($17,805.08). These amounts were triggered in the existing employment contract by the “without cause” statement.
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The Untold Truth of Bonnie and Clyde

Bonnie and Clyde are perhaps the most romanticized outlaws of all time. At a time when gangsters and bad guys were celebrities, they stood out. No one knows who Al Capone's or John Dillinger's lady friends were off the top of their heads; the fact that Bonnie and Clyde committed crimes as a couple made them special. Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker met in 1930, and later went on a 21-month spree. Once they got started, they tore across various Southern states, leaving death and destruction in their wake. Yet the public was obsessed with them, this sexy young couple taking on the police and the banks, two of the most hated institutions in Prohibition- and Great Depression-era America.
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Cowboy Sausage Stew

Hey there partner. Been on the trail long? Why not rest a spell by the fire? Kick off your boots, let your Stetson rest beside you, and help yourself to a bowl of Cowboy Sausage Stew. Nothing heartier on either side of the Mississippi, that’s for darn sure.