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“A hornet’s nest”: How one Texas elections chief is doing his job amid ongoing conspiracy theories

Jim Riley and his team spent weeks preparing for a forum he hoped would remind the public that elections in Gillespie County are “safe, accurate and dependable.” The new county elections administrator expected more than 50 people. He asked a more experienced election official from a neighboring county to be there, in case he needed help clarifying election laws he’s less familiar with.

Benefits of using milk in your garden

Powdered milk is made by evaporating milk until only a powder remains. A major benefit for gardeners is the powder is rich in calcium, and other nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium, elements all plants need. If you are looking for powdered milk, be sure to read the contents and choose a product that has been fortified with calcium. Next, read the label, and mix with water according to directions. Getting the mixture too strong will NOT help your vegetables. You can put the mixture (not straight milk) in a spray bottle and spray directly on tops and bottoms of foliage, or water the ground around the vegetable plants.
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Texas Panhandle Fires:

Landowners who have experienced Panhandle wildfire losses to agricultural infrastructure or livestock are advised to properly document losses in preparation for filing insurance claims or qualifying for federal assistance. “It is recommended that landowners take photos of deceased livestock before burial, as well as burned equipment, agricultural structures, fences and water wells for insurance purposes or U.S.

Starting on the right foot

Update from PAWS Bohlken Electric has completed the necessary electrical repair work thanks to partial funding from the Franklin County Commissioners Court and our generous supporters. Franklin County Sheriff Ricky Jones brought the Franklin County Volunteer Inmate Program by, and they helped clean out the storage areas and remove damaged ceiling tiles.